You made me think a lot these few days.about my future,my family members,my relatives,my friends,my study,even my neighbours..and i'm forcing myself not to think more about those stuffs to avoid my brain from bursting.Honestly,i can't really afford all of these.
You are almost perfect to me actually,sometimes make me feel that i'm not your type or i'm totally not suitable to be your gal.You have special personalities that i think i can spend my whole life to figure out and ready to learn from u.n i promised that i will try my very best to be part of your life.
=)yea..i think that two is better than least we can have someone to rely on,to think about,to share our secrets,to face challenges together,..
=)yea..i think that two is better than least we can have someone to rely on,to think about,to share our secrets,to face challenges together,..