
Exam exam exam.
Everyday exam..

It's challenging bt it's also tiring.
Tiring of studying hard in the midnight
Tiring of everyday's packed schedule
Tiring of doing never ending assignments
Tiring of facing the anxiety before the exam
Tiring of planning what to do for every second
Tiring of waking up so early in the morning
Tiring of finishing loads of trial papers
Tiring of sitting in the speeding bus
Tiring of finding my ID in my bag
Tiring of losing my pendrive before presentation
Tiring of deciding what to eat every afternoon
Tiring of tiring..

But i think i will miss these tiring moments when different things came to my life.
It's only one year n now left only about 3 months. Time flies.


Anonymous said...

wow...reading this entry made me tired too...
you even put in the pendrive...
you're doing well, don't push yourself too hard~^^

Caleb said...

Well, if you're tired with all these, then why do you continue? Is it because you must? Sometimes, we may feel tired with so many things happening around us but we realise sooner or later that there are some things which we must do.

Hang in there. I've just gone through an 'emo' period and I too, am feeling tired with my love life but life must go on.

Yeah, time flies. When was the last time I saw you? 3 months ago? Anyway, hope you're feeling better now. Stay healthy and keep in touch! =)